The Oseir thermal spray diagnostics product family consists of several models capable of diagnosing all thermal spray processes but best suited for various types of use.
SprayWatch systems
SprayWatch systems provide accurate data to enable best understanding of thermal spray processes and with that knowledge the user can optimize the process for best coating quality and to minimize production costs, waste and environmental stress.
Oseir’s SprayWatch product family is the solution for quality assurance and diagnostics needs of thermal spray industry. It combines the measurement of the most important thermal spray parameters into a single, inexpensive and robust system that is easy to adapt and use. SprayWatch systems measure particle velocity, size (SprayWatch 2S only) and trajectory as well as temperature (SprayWatch G does not measure temperature), density, position and heading of the particle plume. SprayWatch systems are very portable and easy to use. Since 1999 Oseir has delivered several hundred systems with excellent reliability record to satisfied users around the world to be used not only in research and development but also in daily quality control of the thermal spray processes.
SprayWatch 2S

SprayWatch 4S

SprayWatch G

SprayWatch CMS